In 2019, Attorney Aaron O’Brien was honored to be appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis to serve his third term on the Twentieth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) covering all of Southwest Florida: Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades Counties.
Mr. O’Brien also had the pleasure of serving on the JNC for several years since his initial appointment by Governor Rick Scott in 2013 and his reappointment in 2015. The JNC serves an important role in the appointment of circuit and county court judges.
Whenever a judicial vacancy occurs – because a judge retires, dies, resigns, etc. – the Governor must appoint a replacement. The vacancy is announced and interested parties apply to be judge.
Then, the Governor convenes the JNC for the purpose of selecting and submitting names of qualified individuals to the Governor for appointment to the bench.
At that point, the JNC thoroughly vets each applicant and often interviews the applicants, as well. The JNC winnows the list and determines which 3-6 names to recommend to the Governor for his consideration. In the end, the Governor appoints the next judge from one of those 3-6 people.